As a teacher of Performing Arts and acting, I'm often approached by both the students and their parents about how to take that next step. Some kids are happy doing my classes just for fun and confidence building, but others want to venture into film and television. It can be a fabulously rewarding and fun path to take, but it's also full of potholes, frustration and dodgy people out to make a quick buck from starry eyed individuals and gullible parents.
The first thing you need to do if you're serious about an acting career is to get an agent. I decided to vlog my chat from here so check out the video below.
Remember if you want to be considered for auditions, you have to put everything in place. An agent is the first step, but you need to keep acting at every opportunity as this strengthens your acting muscles. In my next blog I'll go into more detail about how you can improve your chances to get an audition.
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